We inform you that an Extraordinary General Assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, March 15th 2012, at 07:00 pm, in the A.C. Anatoli conference room. The discussion topics were determined by decision of the Board of Directors on the March 5th, 2012. Discussion topics:
•Freeze in installments for the tomato producers of the variety Belladonna for the current growing season. Petrantonakis, Stratakis, Zorba, Zervakis.
•Building expansion.
• Approval of share capital increase.
• Memorandum modification according to the legislation piece 4015/2011.
• Electoral Commission for the elections.
• Election date determination.
• Empanelment of two certified public accountant auditors.
In the case of no quorum the EGM will reconvene on Thursday, March 22nd, 2012, at 07:00 pm in the A. C. Anatoli conference room.
It is noted that the Memorandum modification requires a qualified majority voting (2/3 of the members).